Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Philosophical Tales

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October 7, 2023, 16:00
free admission

"Philosophical Tales" is a meeting with Jerzy Szufa - a storyteller - who, using his voice, words and gestures, will take you to mysterious lands full of magic, secrets and tomatoes. “Philosophical Tales” touch on important topics such as freedom, truth and happiness. The message is adapted to the needs of children. The stories are full of interaction and humor, filled with joint singing, the sounds of the hook harp and drum.


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    Jerzy Szufa: Philosophical Tales

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    Jerzy Szufa: Philosophical Tales

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    Jerzy Szufa: Philosophical Tales

  • Powiększ zdjęcie Jerzy Szufa: Philosophical Tales

    Jerzy Szufa: Philosophical Tales