Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Meeting with writers

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/the nominees to XXV The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award of the President of Bialystok
25.02.2016 (Thursday), at. 6.30 pm
Guests: Anna Kaminska, Michael Books, Jerzy Plutowicz, Janusz Taranienko
Host Andrzej Bajguz

Four books are nominated to this year The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award. Before we find out who win, we invite you for a meeting with all the writers. This extraordinary evening will be hosted by radio journalist - Andrzej Bajguz.

The meeting will be divided into parts. The first one will be dominated by poetry: Jerzy Plutowicz, which has beem awarded for lifetime achievement and the volume of "Jesień 2014" and Janusz Taranienko, nominated for volume "Przeszłości". The second part of the evening will be devoted to prose: Anna Kaminska, author of the biographical book "Simona. Opowieść o niezwyczajnym życiu Simony Kossak" and Michał Książek, whose documentary "Droga 816" is a poetic and philosophical writing hiking along the eastern border of our country.

Who of the four nominees will win The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award? Jury will announce the verdict on 4th of March, 2016 in The Ludwik Zamenhof Centre.

Honourary partons: